Some Thoughts on Zillow's 2011 Results and Howard Hanna (In Which I Declare Peace In Our Time)

Was it just yesterday when I was speculating on Zillow’s recent hiring of Bob Bemis? Why, yes, yes it was. How things change in 24 hours when you live in interesting times. [Editor’s Note: Obviously, you started writing this on the 15th and didn’t finish? Nice managing the deadline, Rob.] Today, Zillow released their Q4/2011 … Read more

Some Thoughts on Zillow's 2011 Results and Howard Hanna (In Which I Declare Peace In Our Time)

Was it just yesterday when I was speculating on Zillow’s recent hiring of Bob Bemis? Why, yes, yes it was. How things change in 24 hours when you live in interesting times. [Editor’s Note: Obviously, you started writing this on the 15th and didn’t finish? Nice managing the deadline, Rob.] Today, Zillow released their Q4/2011 … Read more

Zillow Hires Bob Bemis of ARMLS; I Become Paranoid, or Preserve the Peace

  One could quibble with the title of this post. Someone could say, “Rob, you were paranoid long before any hiring of anybody happened” and I’d not have a whole lot to say in response. But first, the news. ARMLS (Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service), the fourth largest MLS in the country with over 32,000 … Read more

Deceased Equine Shall Be Assaulted: Start Thinking Beyond IDX

  It’s late, and I’m fairly certain that this horse I’m about to pound on some more is long since departed for greener pastures in the hereafter… but hey, what the hell, right? So by now all readers of Notorious ROB have seen the latest developments in the Syndication Serenade: Metrolist pulls IDX from Diverse … Read more

In Which I Clarify My Worries Over Syndication and IDX, And Connect The Dots

The average denizen of the cybercafe — that includes you, since you’re reading this on a blog — knows that the hot topic du jour is syndication. I wrote about it here and here already, but frankly, have been talking about this issue for quite some time. And influential bloggers like Jay Thompson and … Read more

The Fly in the Syndication Ointment…

Another brief update, before my day of continuous meetings begin…. Regarding my post yesterday on the syndication brouhaha brought on by Abbott Realty Group… first, you need to read Jay Thompson’s take on the subject. He takes longer to articulate the issue than I did, and I think more clearly than I have: If you … Read more

Imagine All The People…

Lawrence Yun, the Chief Economist of NAR and my doppelganger, has a new post up in which he discusses the growth in global population: In regards to the United States, some have claimed that the large number of people retiring and an eventual dying off of the baby boomers will mean less housing demand in … Read more