After ten years, I thought it might be time to write a new About for Notorious R.O.B.
This started out as my personal blog, which I started in order to opine about various topics in marketing, technology and real estate and generally make a nuisance of myself. But over time, it has become something more. In the words of the United States Dept. of Justice, this has become an “industry publication.” Who am I to disagree with the United States government?
Despite that, Notorious R.O.B. is not a business. It remains fundamentally a personal blog on the real estate industry, with guest writers from time to time, and a small but growing community around it. I’d like to keep it that way as an outlet for my need to write something and as a place for me to think out loud.
My day job is as the Managing Partner of 7DS Associates, a strategy consulting firm in the real estate industry. I work with some of the largest (and some of the smallest) companies in the industry, as long as they are open to real change based on reality instead of pretty lies that make them feel good about themselves as they head towards oblivion.
If you’d like to know more about me or my company, you can visit my About Me website.
About Me

I do a fair amount of speaking and presenting in front of audiences large and small. If you’d like to know more, please check out my About Me page on speaking.